Magdalena's Family Blog

13 March 2006

Getting Started

Well, Momma, I am doing this for you! I'm not promising to be very faithful at posting...but I'll try. : ) Since computers aren't exactly my cup of tea, I'm sipping an actual cup of tea now to help ease the pain.

Today, Magdalena is not napping well. She did, however, sit contentedly in her boucey seat for the duration of my bath! Hooray! I can feel human and not smell like spit-up when Laura comes over later to deliver some meals for us.

Laura Syvertsen and Shanna Davis have so kindly made us dinner for the next few nights. Ann-marie Verbrugge will be bringing us a meal on Friday. Ah, it's nice to not have to worry about what to cook...or more specifically, how to cook with a little baby in arms!


At 13 March, 2006 18:17, Blogger Gale said...

Your mother says "YAH"!!!!!

Love you, momma


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