We hit the Zoo first so that Magdalena could run out her energy and we could eat a picnic. The Zoo entrance is free, but the petting zoo and other fun stuff has a charge. :-(

The entrance has a beautiful fountain full of seal statues, flowering trees, ducks, and koi fish.

Magdalena got excited to see the donkeys. The sign identified them as Somalian Asses. When a kid read the sign out loud, Magdalena was quick to correct him saying, "They aren't asses - they're donkeys!" When I explained to her that donkeys are also called asses, another kid overheard and snickered.

This camel fully disgusted us. He was chewing his cud with spit all around him and on his fur. And, his teeth stuck out every which way - majorly in need of some teeth pulled and braces!

We ended our Zoo visit with a train ride tour. It was so tiny, but Magdalena was just as excited to be on it as if it were a full size machine.
It looks like a lovely zoo. After you return form your road trip adventure, we will have to go a "Zooing" before you leave on your next big adventure.
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