Magdalena started Montessori preschool at Andilek yesterday. (Andilek is one of the family centers where I will teach beginning in January.) She will be attending every Wednesday from 9am-1pm. As we walked to the tram to go to school I realized that I'd forgotten to take her picture before we left home! I felt like such a terrible Mommy - Magdalena didn't care though, so we decided to shoot a picture after class was over. So, sweater-less, and hairbow-less (she lost it!) here she is with her teacher Michaela. We had to drag the child away to leave, but later she informed us, "I don't want to go back to školka ever again. I didn't have fun!" Crazy child. She bragged about all of the sections of the room - "we sat here...I made worms here...I can run here!" - and what she did while we were in the classroom and playroom. I think she'll change her mind and want to go back next week. :-)

To celebrate Magdalena's first day of school, we had ice cream on the way home! She insisted on having "PINK" and didn't want to share with Daddy - but, then, who would want to relinquish any of their forest strawberry ice cream?? I had lemon, my absolute favorite!
That is such a sweet picture of Magda and daddy. I can't believe she is in school now, what a big girl.
Oh so much fun! She even took her back pack to school! Even though, I know Petr would rather be working, I'm glad he was available for that first day and ice cream!
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