On Saturday, Petr and I went out to celebrate his 26th birthday. It was quite blustery that evening so as we were driving we saw many a stray chair, broken tree limb, and a kiddie wading pool! I nearly screamed in excitement for Petr to turn the car around and pull over so I could grab it. He did a u-y, I hopped out, nabbed the lil sucker, and jumped back in the get-away car. After washing it, I turned it upside down in the bathtub to dry. Come Sunday morning, Magdalena saw it, exclaimed with glee as she pulled it out, and dragged it behind her everywhere she went in the apartment.

She figured that she was supposed to sit in it, but not until today did she learn that WATER goes inside! Our neighbors Marcela and Jirka (who is just 3 days older than Samuel) came over to test it out this afternoon. They both took to the pool like frogs to a pond. After a lot of splashing and showing off of Magdalena's "pupek" (belly-button) and Jirka's "o
či" (eyes) they decided it was time to play some indoor games.

After our new friends went home, we had a mess in Magdalena's room! She enjoyed showing off her toys as much as Jirka enjoyed playing with them. :)
How lucky you are! A perfect treat for these hot June days! I just thought about buying this type of pool for Michele, since he can't have a bath in our swimming pool (too much chlorine for a baby of his age). And we have the same striped short-sleave overall from H&M! They both look lovely in it :-)
I love it! Its funny how kids like to sit in things like this! Samuel loves climbing in and out of his pool with or without water in it. Magda looks so cute in her "rescued" not "stolen" pool :) Just think of all the terrible things you saved this poor lost little pool from! He was about to be run over and you came in and saved the day! Bravo!
What a great story! I won't tell where the pool came from and it will be our little secret--ours and about a thousand other people once they read your blog. :) It sure looks like Magdalena is having fun with her new friend.
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