
No, we didn't get lost driving as you may infer from this photo. The socks that Magdalena is wearing in the photo are what got lost. Yesterday we went grocery shopping and when we left the house Magdalena had on these adorable yellow socks with butterflies on them that Gigi bought for her a couple of weeks ago. After we'd returned home and she'd had a nap time, I realized that the socks were no longer on her feet. So, I searched the crib, the bedroom, and around the apartment to no avail. The next logical thing to do was to follow our morning route in search of the lost ponozicky (czech for little socks); and that is what we did. Up and down the streets we looked; in the grocery store we looked; I even asked one of the store clerks if she'd seen them. Nowhere! They were gone...and sadly, they remain that way. What a shame! Magdalena got to wear them only 3 times. She's just so active that she kicked off those little guys without me even noticing!
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