
Traveling to Moravia, we had to take quite a few stops for Magdalena to rest from the carseat. During one of the breaks Petr held her while I took a break of my own. ;) She was amazed by the steering wheel and enjoyed the Daddy time since I was pretty much all she could see during the trip.

On Friday we visited Petr's grandparents and I remembered to take pictures this time! Even though she's been going through a "Mommy only" phase, Magdalena was still as calm as can be in Prababicka's must be since she's had so much baby-holding experience and has a wonderfully gentle spirit.

We've been debating whether or not to buy Magdalena a toy like this one. So, to try it out, she borrowed her cousin Adelka's for a little bit. She was entertained for several minutes, but then decided she'd rather do something roll or be carried around.

This is documented proof of the first time Dedecek (grandfather) held Magdalena! On previous visits he's let Babicka (grandmother) do all of the holding. Isn't Milan (Petr's dad) too cute with her?!
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