The past couple of Thursdays, Sunny and I have spent some baby-free time together after Magdalena went to bed. This week, we met at the top of Wenseslas Square and walked down the length of it, through Old Town Square, across Charles Bridge, through Mala Strana, and almost to Andel mall! On our delightful trek, we spotted a fountain which I jokingly mentioned we should jump in. Sunny, not to be joked with, promptly kicked off her cute polka-dotted flip-flops and waded in!

Of course, she wouldn't let me miss out on all the fun entangled in illegal activity (swimming, wading, etc is, we are pretty sure, prohibited in public fountains). So, I peeled off my tennis shoes and socks and waded in too. Here I am imitating the fountain's arch. : )

As we were drying our feet after ending our play session, and inspiring several others to hop in the water too, we attempted to take a picture of ourselves together. As this was proving difficult, a girl offered to take it for us. Here is the result. Ah, I love my dear friend. She truly makes my life "Sunny"!
I won't tell on you two! Let's just hope the fountain police don't check out your blogs!!! :)
I'm glad you have Sunny to relax with. Every girl needs a best girl friend to get into trouble and eat ice cream with!
Love you!
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