My baby is growing up! She no longer uses her high chair - ever. Lunch and dinner she eats at the table. Breakfast is a different story, though. She likes taking her morning meal in the comfort of Mommy or Daddy's lap...or in a bowl in her bedroom where she can play with her toys while munching on Kix or cornflakes.

Magdalena's vocabulary is growing everyday. She now can name every food on this plate - corn ("kuku"), pea, carrot (I don't know how to phonetically spell how she says this but it's really cute!), and hot dog ("pahek" for "parek" in Czech).
What a big girl! It's amazing she doesn't get down mid-meal and wander around during the meal. Of course, she is her mother's daughter who likes her food! :)
I had Samuel one day last week. When I fed him, I put his ravioli on the tray of his chair. He would eat it with his fingers, but he really preferred eating it with the fork that I was holding.
Its funny how they are alike and different. Samuel does not sit still long enough to eat out of his high chair!
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