Playing with Matouš

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Wednesday was our last play-date with Minna and Matouš before they returned to Finland yesterday. We got spoiled with there company which makes us miss them all the more now but we wouldn't trade one second with them in order to feel any less lonely. I love my friend dearly and, obviously, Magdalena is enamored. She even let Matouš push her on the swings without Mommy right with her...and giggled her head off with glee. Below is the only picture we got of ourselves during this visit - can you believe it? We were too busy talking...
Still can't watch the video. Will try again later. I guess I thought Minna was back in Prague to stay. Your friendship with her is like mine with Beth--no matter how long between visits we never run out of things to say and do. And the friendship doesn't grow apart!
That is a great video! Madga doesn't care if she falls off as long as he is still around!
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