Our happy little guy turned one quarter of a year old yesterday. :-) He is a very content fellow, frequently smiling, and ever watchful of what is going on around him. He holds his head up steadily for any amount of time, sits on everyone's lap like nobody's business, lifts up his chest and head to get a better view when he's on his tummy, has rolled over 2 times, and vocalizes when he's happy or fussy to let us all know what is on his mind.

He is Mommy's darling and never fusses at being kissed, hugged, squeezed, or loved on.

An up-close shot that Magdalena took to commemorate his milestone "birthday."

Comparing the sizes of our two "babies" feet. As soon as I begin to think, "Wow! Vojta is getting so big!" I look at Magdalena and think, "No, he's still a tiny thing." :-)
That close up is beautiful. What a handsome little guy you have.
Love the close up Maggie took of her baby brother :) He is getting so big! I wish I was there to squeeze him.
Look at those cheeks! And that double chin! He's quite "healthy"!! :) I love the picture Magdalena took of him. Such a friendly and contented looking fellow.
As Dot would say, "I want to roll him up in a burrito!" haha Seriously, so cute!
Oh, I love that saying about the burrito! I'm going to use that!!
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