Owen hadn't been to preschool yet, until he came to visit "Magdaweena." So, when I went to teach on Thursday, he accompanied us for his FIRST preschool experience! He was quite daunted by the metro and escalators on the way there, but on the way home was operating like a professional public transit patron. This shot is on the bus before we got to the metro station while traveling to Školička. Magdalena taught him the Czech words for "preschool" and "car" and "bus" on the way to the metro. It was so adorable to hear his little voice saying the Czech words! He did quite well on the pronunciation, too!

At the end of the day, we always have a review of our lessons and say good-bye to everyone. This is Ulli leading the kids in a review of Day 5 of creation before singing our traditional "good-bye" song. Note: all of the kids have on indoor shoes. Owen was thrilled by having special school shoes, so when they returned to the USA, we sent the little shoes with him. They are the pair Magdalena just outgrew a few weeks ago.
What a GREAT picture of the kids on the bus. Owen loved going to school with you. Thank you for letting him join in your school fun.
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