Magdalena's Family Blog

16 October 2010

The big 1 year old!

Vojtěch Wesley was born one year ago on Thursday. Since the day he was born, he's brought us great joy and comfort (as his name depicts - Vojtěch means "soldier of comfort"). His smile is continual and contagious. He adores his sister, who also loves him to pieces, and now says "Táta," "Máma," and "Sesa" (meaning Sister). He's still not walking alone, but greatly enjoys cruising around holding onto furniture, walls, and cabinets (which he is known to open and empty). His favorite games include opening and closing doors, playing peek-a-boo, and destroying anything that Sister has constructed. He eats like a horse but still sleeps like a baby - a full 12 1/2 to 13 hours each night plus 1 or 2 naps a day. He's our wonderful blessing from the Lord and we are all looking forward to celebrating all of his many other birthdays in the years ahead.
Most of Vojta's birthday consisted of just playing around the house. In true little boy fashion, he dumped out all 120 clothes' pins and put back 3 of them after wearing the basket on his head for a bit. ;-)
We all gave him birthday kisses, but the picture of me kissing him didn't turn out very well so it's not posted.
We all ate cake before dinner because we weren't sure that the Birthday Boy would stay awake long enough to eat dinner with the rest of us. He ate an early dinner about 4:30, cake about 5, then a second dinner about 5:30. He is definitely a growing boy!
Vojta's special birthday dinner consisted of baked pork chops and scalloped potatoes. It was the first time he ate pork and he LOVED it!
The messy, yet very happy, face of one satisfied birthday boy. :-)

So, none of us are professional singers, but here's the birthday song anyway. Vojta grabbing the cake before the song is done was too cute to pass up posting. :-)


At 18 October, 2010 13:20, Blogger Pavlina said...

So sorry for having forgotten the big day!! Late but sincere happy birthday to Vojta!!!

At 21 October, 2010 20:35, Blogger Jessica G Smith said...

I love the video! I wish I had been there to kiss his sweet face :D

At 28 October, 2010 01:12, Blogger Emily said...

Happy birthday "baby" boy! We wish you an absolutely joyous second year.

At 13 January, 2011 16:34, Blogger Gale said...

That boy does know how to eat! And to enjoy his food. I love the "mmmm" he gives while eating his cake! I hate, hate, hate that we couldn't be there for his birthday. :( I NEED a trip to Prague!!!!!


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