Vojta and Robbie were born just 18 days apart last year. On Saturday, we celebrated Robbie's first birthday with his family in Pardubice. At first, Robbie was a bit upset that Vojta was invading his space...

But, Vojta's smile soon won him over and the two boys were cruising around the house together having a blast.

All of the fun made everyone hungry for a snack...and birthday cake!

The boys' sisters played so nicely together - dress up, dolls, and making party hats.

Magdalena and Eliza really got along so well. They were like two peas in a pod the whole day and kept each other giggling and smiling all the while.

Robbie really got into his cake - literally. In true 1st birthday style, he dug right into that delicious concoction of white cake, fruit and whipped cream! Yum!!

And, of course, the traditional picture of me and Hulda with our boys.
Thanks for posting the photos. I enjoyed looking over them. It meant a lot to us that you all could come and be with us. If you could e-mail those photos, I'd so appreciate it.
Those boys have grown soooo much since that first picture I took of them at church a year ago!
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