Magdalena had her first birthday party a week ago today. I know, I'm such a terrible mom for waiting so long to write about it! Thanks,
Sunny, for not blowing "my thunder" and letting me post about it first. :) The birthday cake is a little girl mole. Sounds weird to Americans probably, but here there is an adorable cartoon for children about a mole so this theme is common for Czech children. Magdalena wanted nothing to do with her cake past touching the frosting. No matter how much coaxing we did, she refused to taste it!

She did, of course, want to eat her book from Aunt Sunny! Go figure. Our child thinks she's a "kid" in the other sense of the word - a baby goat! This picture is with her cousins Ivosek, Alenka, and Eliska (right to left).

Even though she didn't get into cake eating, Magdalena did enjoy opening presents (and subsequently playing with the gift bags!).

A special thanks to the Stone family who sent a birthday present all the way across the Atlantic ocean and half of the European continent for Magdalena to open at her party! Emily, your newly acquired sewing skills are great! Our little girls are going to be so precious playing/baking together in their matching aprons.
What a fun party/weekend! Magdalena enjoyed herself to the max! Even though, unlike her mom on her first birthday, she wouldn't eat the cake. Your dad and I are so grateful we couldn be there for her special day with her Czech family and Aunt Sunny!
I have been waiting for a new post for so long!! Well, I guess I can't say much since I went 1 & 1/2 months without posting anything! I love the cute pictures but there are never enough. I wish I could see her all the time! Maybe next year. :) I can't believe that she wouldn't eat the cake! Samuel wants to eat everything we are eating! It is so hard to eat now! I loved the mole cake, how cute is that! I thought at first that it was a gingerbread girl. Samuel loves the mole you sent him. I think he is so cute! I miss ya'll. Love you!
Thanks so much for the picture of Magdalena with the apron on! It was pure pleasure for me to make it for her. Don't look to closely at the stitches!
Happy Birthday Magdalena! You are such a beautiful, special girl! I hope your special day was fun for you and very memorable for your sweet parents.
The Stone Family
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