Sure, there are moments that I think Magdalena will never learn to be gentle with her little brother, or others when I wish that Vojta wouldn't scream when Magdalena gives him a kiss or hug...but, the overwhelmingly majority of the time I think "How blessed am I to have two great kids who love each others company!" Vojta is extremely ticklish like his daddy and Magdalena loves to make him laugh by tickling his little foot or tummy. And, they both enjoy some good old fashioned snuggle time together pretty often! I think we have the beginnings of a beautiful sibling-hood and lifelong friendship...
Cuties!!!!!!! We definitely must catch up and get together. I feel ashamed I haven't seen Vojta yet and he's already seven months.. As soon as the weather is more favorable, let's do something together! Looking forward to seeibng you soooon..
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