Being sneaky

Yesterday was beautiful spring weather again! I'm loving April so far. : ) We took a family walk for an hour or so. Most of the time Magdalena was awake and quietly looking around through her "sun roof." The rest of the time she slept -- even through a car alarm (definately got that from her mommy who has slept through several tornados and during a hurricane).
Today is a bit cooler, but still sunny! We're going in search of Dablicy haj (a forest park near by) this afternoon. Hopefully, we'll be successful in manuevering the bus with a stroller and can get some lovely pictures.
Did you find your forest? :)
Ah, sneakiness pays off! The picture of Petr is so cute (well, of course, Magdalena is too!). You can tell it is the middle of the night when he got woke up. But he and Magdalena both look very satisfied. What good news! Maybe now you will be able to leave them for short periods of time.
Love you!
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