Yesterday's highlight was our time with Eva! We visited while Magdalena had her 2nd lunch, then went for a short walk to the local cukrarna (sweet shop) where we met up with Petr for ice cream. Such a lovely day and such a wonderful way to spend it -- with a good treat and a great friend! : )
Magdalena says "No fair--eating ice cream in front of me when I can't have any!"
I'm so glad you are getting some warmer weather. We've been having some bad thunder storms and tornado watches. Lots of trees and power lines down today. This season always reminds me of the time we had a tornado warning after church one night. We all (the ones left after service) went to the kitchen, found hot dogs in the freezer and made us a snack while we waited out the storm. If you have to wait out bad weather, it is more fun with friends!
Love ya!
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