Sunday was a day full of fun. In the morning we attended church where Petr went as a boy and his parents are still members. Everyone was so excited to meet Magdalena and curious which language she "speaks." They were quite impressed when we told them both! Magdalena also met Klarka who was born on the same day. They weigh the same amount now, but Magdalena is shorter and thicker, while Klarka is very long! They both also have lots of hair and suck their thumbs. : ) On the way home, Magdalena took a nap in the car-seat...a much different reaction than before when she screamed and cried so much that I actually took her out on the country roads.

In the afternoon we celebrated my birthday! Petr's parents suprised me with the most beautiful cake I've ever seen. It was very tastey too! : ) Magdalena's eyes popped open when she saw the lovely cake. I think she may have been a bit jealous of Adelka when she was eating some of the cake...

The hard feelings didn't last long, though. When Adelka stroked her hair, Magdalena reached out to touch her arm. They're already so sweet together. We can't wait to see them playing after Magdalena is mobile!
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