While Magdalena was on my shoulder being burped this afternoon, she started making her almost-a -laugh sound. That's never happened before during a burp session, so I looked where she was looking and who did I see? Eeyore! I promptly put him on this box next to her on the couch and she took hold of his lil paw and grinned. How appropriate that she was wearing her Tigger outfit today!
This afternoon we had a treat...Stana came over for a few hours to help out. She cooked us dinner, cleaned the kitchen, and kept me company while Magdalena slept. She is such a blessing to know and we all love her dearly! We're looking forward to her weekly visit to our place. : )
I'm so glad you have a good friend like Stana! What a blessing it will be for her to be with you once a week! Tell her "thanks" for being there for my girl!
I just can't get over how big Magdalena is getting! And what a joy that she gets pleasure from her surroundings! Eyore always was her mother's favorite, although Tigger is Gigi's favorite!
Love you!
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