During the last few days of our time with the Sillers, we took a day trip to the zoo. It was Vojta's first zoo experience, and Magdalena's first time at the Prague zoo since we returned to the Czech Republic. This statue is of a Mongolian horse. It used to be on the Prague zoo logo, but the designer left the "company" and took his logo with him. Now the zoo is looking for a new logo. Another interesting fact about these horses - the Prague Zoo is the only place outside of Mongolia where they are found (or so I've been told)!

Vojta loving his stroller ride through the zoo, looking at the animals (and the animalistic kids we were with -namely his sister and her friend Owen!).

The crazy older kids running out some of their energy after lunch.

Watching the polar bears - I absolutely love Emily's excitement! Guess the kids' sentiment was catching...or was it the other way around?

Vojta didn't eat our after zooing treat, but he had fun watching us lick it up!

Daddy and Magdalena with their "pink ice cream" as Magdalena called her wild strawberry cone.
Oh, so fun. We certainly are missing you all.
And I do believe it was the other way around. :)
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