Magdalena is 2! / Magdalenka ma 2 roky!
A movie called "Charlotte's Web," that feel-good classic Mommy loved as a little girl (truth be told, still does)...
Klasicka pohadka "Sarlotina pavucina", kterou mela Rebekah moc rada jako mala holcicka (pravda je takova, ze porad se rada na nej podiva ....
A narozeninova oslava na tema Elmo!
Liz and Amelia (Mommy and Liz were girlhood friends and recently reconnected through Myspace!).
Liz a Amelia (Rebekah a Liz byly kamaradky z detsvi a ted obnovili spojeni pres Myspace - Internet!)
Courtney and Alle too. Alle is cousin Samuel's cousin...does that make Magdalena and Alle cousin-in-laws?
Courtney a Ally taky. Ally je Samuelova sestrenice... nevim jestli to udela Magdalenku a Ally sestrenky (ex)?
Of course, we can't party without Aunt Jessica and cousin Samuel!
A samozrejme nesmi chybet Samuel s tetou Jessicou na nasi party!
Magdalena's first friend from the church nursury and his mom - Ty and Shanice.
Magdalencin prvni kamarad z nedelni besidky a jeho maminka - Ty a Shanice.
After all of the present opening, Magdalena had a sweet moment with Daddy playing with a new toy - Mr. Potato Head - from Gigi and Poppy.
Tohle je po otevreni vsech darku, Magdalenka si hraje s tatkou s novou hrackou - " Pan Brambora (znama z filmu Pribeh hracek) - dostala od Gigi a Poppyho.
Saying "good-bye" to Amelia...
Tak "Ahoj" Amelie ....
And polishing off a fun day by eating dinner with Ty and Samuel.
A nakonec zabavneho dne - "spolecna" vecere s Tyem a Samuelem.
So sweet! And Elmo looked delicious. I can't believe she's already 2!
Happy Birthday Maggie Rose! I was thinking of her on the 8th.
Miss you girls.
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