Magdalena's Family Blog

04 April 2008

We have a new niece! Mame novou sestrenici!

Terezka Sramkova was born yesterday morning at 10 o'clock Czech time. She weighs 3.90 kg/8.6 lbs and is 52 cm/20.5 ins. We are so excited to have a new addition to the family! Congratulations David, Marketa, and Adelka!

Terezka Sramkova se narodila vcera rano v 10:00. Vaha 3,9kg a vyska 52cm. Jsme moc nadseni ,ze mame novy prirustek v rodine!
Posilame gratulace Davidovi, Markete a Adelce!
Here's a picture of Magdalena when she was born. Can you see the cousinly features?
Tady je fotka Magdalenky kdyz se narodila. Vidite tu podobu sestrenic?

PS.: Poznamka pro Davida, dovolil jsem si pouzit Vasi fotku na nasich strankach.


At 04 April, 2008 23:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No way! Those pictures are of the SAME baby! (Seriously, congratulations)


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