We met some new friends in the park just up the street from us. They showed us how to get to the playground and Magdalena and Emma became instant friends. This is a picture of Magda on her favorite toy at the playground.

Magda on our way home from the park "taking a break" as she says frequently while we're walking anywhere these days.

We had our new park friends, Mommy Sandra and little Emma (just 2 months younger than Magdalena), over to dinner last Wednesday. Since Petr has been out of town all week long and only home on the weekend for the past 2 weeks, Magda and I have been staying busy with friends to keep our minds off of missing Daddy Petr. We really enjoyed our time with these gals and are planning to get together often - Sandra and I foresee great potential for a best friendship for our daughters.
Is "mommy Sandra" American? The name doesn't sound Czech. I'm so glad you are making new friends! And you still have old friends there too! AND Sunny, to boot! Life could only be better if Petr weren't gone during the week!
Mommy Sandra is Slovak - but she was with Emma's dad for 10 years and he's Canadian so her English is perfect!
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