Magdalena's 4th birthday party
Our first baby is turning 4 years old on Monday. When we asked her if she'd like to celebrate before or after her birthday, of course, she said "Before!" So, today we rented the space at the family center Palecek (that Project Antioch founded) and had some of her friend come party!
Our happy, passionate, fun-loving girl! She was living it up before her friends arrived, playing chase, soccer, and balloons with us (Mommy and Daddy).
As requested, Magdalena's carrot cake in a flower shape. Yes, she did have the same shape last year, but she wanted it again and who am I to dissuade her from having the easy cake she wants? We had to limit her to two pieces of cake or she might have eaten it all - the kid is CRAZY about anything carrot!
Will, Sophie, Natalie, and Donie (plus Linda, Donie's sister not pictured) came to play.
Vojta chilled in the bouncy seat when he wasn't sleeping - who knows what he was thinking of the partying going on around him...think this photo gives us a clue? ;-)
Our beautiful brown-eyed girl with her new Hello Kitty umbrella and robe. She called me back in to her room tonight to have me put the umbrella by her bed as she slept and didn't want to take off the robe. She asked me why she had to take it off to sleep (um, because you still have on your regular clothes under it and need to sleep in pajamas...)!
I love blog entries with lots of pictures!! And this one had video too!! Our little girl is growing up so fast! She looks even bigger and older than when I saw her last just three months ago. I so wish I could have been there for her party. It makes me sad to know I missed it and will miss her birthday.
But it makes me happy to see how much fun she had! The pictures sure do show a happy girl celebrating her birthday with her friends. I love the photo with her robe on under the open umbrella! And yes, Voijta's face says it all! Too cute! I want to just scoop him up and squeeze him! He is definitely not the newborn I left in Prague in November!
Happy Birthday, Magdalena!! I will call to talk on Monday!! Love to my first grand daughter.
Sorry I spelled Vojta's name wrong. My fingers just got to flying all on their own!!
Happy Birthday Magdalena! I also wish I could've been there to celebrate with you all. She is growing up so fast!
Happy Birthday Magdalena! It looks like you had a very special party day. We hope today is equally special. Wish we were there to celebrate, but we will see you soon. :)
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