What do you get when you combine a 4 year old with 30 minutes of unsupervised time? A pile of about 3 kilos of bakings goods - flour, salt, sugar, and bread-crumbs! That is how Magdalena used her "free" time while I nursed Vojta tonight before he went to sleep. Petr wasn't home so...while the parents are away the children will play!

Magdalena on clean up duty as punishment for her dusty work (plus a spank, but after she received her spank she told me, "I like spanks now, Mommy"! My response? "Well if you like it, I'll give you another." She quickly responded, wide eyed, "NO!"). As she worked, she informed me, "This is what I do at skolka. You taught us how to clean the floor." Using a dustpan and hand broom is one of the Montessori practical life skills that preschoolers learn to encourage respect of their environment, self-reliance, and development of motor skills. I taught the kids how to do this on the first day of Life Center Skolicka (little preschool) where I teach every Tuesday.

Magdalena bird made a nest of her blankets and pillows yesterday. She was so cute that I had to snap a picture of her all nestled in cozy like! Given the choice of her being a magpie or attempting to make pie on my kitchen floor, I choose the birdie any day!
Oh dear! I'm with you: I much prefer the magpie nest to the pie on the floor! I guess you are going to have to make cookies or cake with her more often so she gets her "baking, stirring, playing in the flour" time. Isn't mommy-hood fun!?
Happy Birthday dear Magdalena! So happy to see you in your Prague surroundings. You look very happy and your party looks like it was so much fun! Enjoy being 4.... you'll be 6 before you know it! ;-)
Ann-marie, Brandon, Lydia & Marcus
I love your little birdie. The picture of her as a chief reminds me of my little one. Can't wait to see you all!
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