We have been richly blessed with so many new and old friends in the Czech Republic since we returned to live here a year ago. One such couple of new friends live in a village just outside of
Pardubice. They met the Sillers at church on Easter Sunday and invited us all to their house the next day (Czech Easter Monday) for lunch and an Easter egg hunt. This meant a train ride for us all. Vojta slept most of the time, snug as a bug in a rug tucked away inside the same sling I used for Magdalena.

Magdalena enjoyed the fun with Daddy - climbing in and out of his lap, resting a bit on his shoulder, and eating cookies that Owen shared with her.

All of the kids (host family's daughters are the black haired cuties and their dad, Jimmie, is in the doorway) were eager to find as many eggs as possible, and even more so to EAT them!! But, when they found some with unusual "treats" they were intrigued...

The special eggs contained visuals to tell the Easter story of Christ's death and resurrection. Most of the kids found at least one, so they were giddy to hand over their egg to Hulda, our hostess, to find out what part of the story was inside. :-)

We adults ate more "age appropriate" Easter fixin's - Beranek (lamb shaped pound cake) which is a HUGE Czech tradition - no Czech Easter celebration or table is complete without one.
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