Here's the results of our little photo shoot outside the restaurant after our meal. The sun was really bright that day! Tady je vysledek naseho spolecneho fota pred restauraci, potom co jsme poobedvali. Slunicko bylo opravdu hodne zarici!
After lunch we met up with our fellow Prague missionary friends, the Stone family, to explore the Chatty Zoo. It was so small that we walked through the whole thing in about 45 mins. Po obede jsme se potkali s nasimi prazskymi prately, rodina Stones a spolecne jsme prozkoumali zoo. Bylo celkem male, prosli jsme ho cele za cca 45minut.
That didn't detour us from regaling stories of what we've been up to since moving to the States, chasing the girls as they giggled their way from one animal to another, or elongating our visit. Ale to nas nezastavilo od rozhovoru, pribehu co se zmenilo od doby co jsme se pristehovali do USA, holky se nahanely a usmivaly od jednoho zviratka k dalsimu...We merely continued our time together at Coolige Park and Clumpy's Ice Cream Shop! Potom jsme spolecne sli do parku (Coolidge Park) a do cukrarny!
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