Magdalena's Family Blog

25 December 2007


Tady muzete videt par fotek naseho Vanocniho stromku. Nejdrive vyber stromu - tradicne cela rodina jede stromek koupit ,vybiraji vsichni tak to obcas nekdy dele trva. Pote spolecne stroji a a somozrejme nesmi u toho chybet minimale 1fotak - pravidelne je jich vice. Tak tady je par fotek z teto zajimave atrakce....
Here you can see a couple of photos of our Christmas tree. Very early to select a tree - the tradition is that the whole family goes to buy the tree, everyone chooses it together so it becomes a long process. We couldn't forget to take at least one picture of the tree, although surely there are more. And here is a couple of pictures from the interesting attraction...

Christmas Eve - Stedry den!

This morning Petr and I greeted Magdalena with her 1st Christmas present. She loves Elmo! Poppy, my dad, was already up about to go to work so he snapped a family shot for us as she opened the gift. Below you can see a very merry Magdalena enjoying her new toys. :)
We hope you all had as happy and wondrous a Christmas as we had today!

Dnesni rano jsme rozbalovali prvni Vanocni darek (Petr, Rebekah a nase Magdalenka). Magdalenka ma rada Elmo (plysova hracka orig. z USA). Poppy, deda byl uz vzhuru, protoze se chystal jit do prace nas vyfotil jak otvirame darek.
Video nize muzete videt Magdalenku a jeji nove hracky.

Doufame, ze jste vsichni meli stastne a vesele Vanoce jako jsme meli my dnes!

12 December 2007

Vylet na Floridu / Fun trip to Florida

Dnes je to 14dni co jsme se byli podivat na Floride. Jeli jsme tam za Elizabeth, ktera mela vystavu ve skole - ruzne projektiky od studentu, fotografie, ruzne kolaze apod. vytvory.
Today is 14 days since we visited Florida. We went there to see Elizabeth who had a school exhibit - different projects from students' work in photography, different collages, etc.
Tady vidite Elizabeth a jeji projektik - fotografie samozrejme.
Here you see Elizabeth and her project - a photograph, of course. ;)

Magdalenku to ovsem uvnitr vystavy obrazu nebavilo, tak stravila vetsinu casu venku. Copak to tady nasla - zelenou zabku!
Magdalenka was bored inside the exhibit, so she wondered outside. What did she find outside? A little green frog!

Byli jsme se podivat k mori - Atlanticky ocean a zaroven navstivili nejstarsi mesto v USA, ktere je zname svou pevnosti. Historii Vam nebudu psat, protoze bych ji popletl :-).Tak jsme ji byli prozkoumat a tady vidite par fotek.
We saw the ocean - the Atlantic ocean and also the oldest town in the USA where it has it's own fort. I won't write you the history because I would forget! So we explored the fort and here you can see a couple of photos. A foto s babickou a dedou ! (Gigi a Puppy)
A picture with Gigi and Poppy!

A jako stavare me taky zajimaly ostani veci - stavby ,ktere jsem v CR urcite jeste nevidel!

And another building as interesting such as this - something which I've not seen in the Czech Republic!

A nakonec fotka s parku, kde jsme byli predtim nez jsme se vraceli domu do Georgie. Byl to velky nadherny park, kde me otravovalo hodne komaru :-).

And I'll end our pictures with a park where we went before we returned to Georgia. It was a large, beautiful park where we were bitten by many mosquitos! :-)