Magdalena's Family Blog

27 May 2009


On the bus during today's excursion...
Magdalena: Who's driving?
Mommy: The bus driver.
Magdalena: Again!?

Magda and Public Transit

Each time we start moving on a bus, train, or metro Magdalena asks, "Who is driving?" When I told her yesterday that a conductor always drives the metro train she responded with, "Yeah, kids don't drive. The conductor has to."

In Prague now

Since we've been in the Czech Republic now for nearly 2 weeks, I figured I should give an update on what we've done before continuing about our road trip.

The first week we after we landed was spent in Moravia with perfect weather. We took strolls to the local potraviny (grocer's) on a wooded path, went to the city for a little shopping trip, visited friends at their newly built house!, and visited other friends on the dairy farm where Petr lived the first 7 years of his life. Plus, of course, we spent many an hour talking and hanging out with Petr's immediate family. Even though adjusting to Czech time was difficult (can anyone say coloring, snack time, and movie in bed at 3 in the morning?), Moravia was the perfect place to reset our internal clocks and become refreshed after the crazies of moving internationally.

On returning to Prague, we were met at "home" by our friends Joanna, Lukas, and their daughter Natalie (who is the same age as Magdalena). They have graciously let us stay with them until we find an apartment of our own. Yesterday, we looked at a place that seems to be "the one." We'll find out from our realtor friend later today if the owners agree to our rent offer!

25 May 2009

On the road, again

Magdalena started out entertaining herself with a good book, The Great Mouse Detective, but...
ended up falling asleep before we got through Chicago on our way from Milwaukee to Detroit.
Paying the $2 toll for traversing the Chicago Skyway was well worth the expense! We had a great view and it was quicker than taking the smaller roads.
We passed Kalamazoo!! Magdalena and I made up a silly song about Kalamazoo and waved to each of the city's exits as we passed and gave a great big "Hallooo" to the Kalamazoo River just cuz it's so much fun to say KALAMAZOO! Petr looked at me in wonder of what happened to his wife and who was this crazy woman in her place. :-)

23 May 2009

Milwaulkee with the Verbrugge Family (end of April)

Our first night there, the 3 kiddos took a bath together in the big tub and then ate a snack in their jammies and hopped around, led by Lydia, being kangaroos. So cute! Magdalena and Marcus were thrilled that their p.j.'s matched. :-)
The girls made sure to have plenty of tea party time. While we were staying with our cousins in Illinois, Nicole gave this tea set to Magdalena. Our Oma bought it for Nicole when she was a little girl and now my little girl can enjoy it too! Marcus joined in for one party, but soon lost interest when there wasn't any real food...
Magdalena following in her Deda's footsteps - repairing piping! He'd be so proud. This exhibit was at the Milwaukee Children's Discovery Museum. While Lydia was away at preschool, Petr and Ann-marie and I took the 3 year olds to play indoors out of the cooler weather.
Marcus and Magda at putting out their campfire before exploring the rest of the Museum.
The kiddos and I played dance class in the small studio exhibit. Marcus didn't really get into being "willows" but he liked jumping!

07 May 2009

"Room" with a View

First view from exiting the elevator.
View of the Hancock tower...hmm, we think Joseph was right that the Sears is way better!
Taking a closer look through the "canon." Thanks, Robert, for the quarters! (He's pictured behind us.)
Magdalena obviously did not inherit her mommy's fear of heights!
Dustin and I rubbing elbows with President Obama. ;-)


We passed under the elevated train,
by the House of Blues,
and up the Sears' Tower to the 99th floor,
to get a great family picture! ;-) Seriously, the view was spectacular! Better than we'd imagined.
A group pic of all of us (except Robert who took this photo for us). L to R: Dustin, Magdalena, Rebekah, Petr, Pam, Rob.