Magdalena's Family Blog

15 June 2009

Recent discoveries

Magdalena has become very observant as of late. Here are some of her recent discoveries.

1. As I put on her new butterfly shirt: "Butterflies don't have arms. They have wings."

2. As we drove down the road: : "Birds don't talk on the phone. Only people call on the telephone."

3. To her daddy today when he was talkig to our neice: "Babies can't talk!"

4. Because Magdalena's cousins have been sick, and so has a friend in Prague, we've talked about germs a good bit in the past couple of weeks. Magdalena has also been fighting some little bug so she told us a couple of nights ago, "I don't want to kiss Daddy. I don't want to give him my germs."

08 June 2009

Magdalena's first pony ride

Saturday's weather looked very ify, but we decided to chance it and visit Zoo Lesna in Zlin. It turned out to be a perfect day - overcast, but not a drop of rain, and a comfortable 75 degrees. :-) While we were there Magdalena saw the pony ride and requested to go on one. It cost about $2 for a 5 minute ride, which she thoroughly enjoyed and even asked for another go. Actually, she wanted to progress to the camel (which cost about $3 for a 30 second ride) but we refused that!

I'll post some pictures of the zoo later. It's dinner time now and food is calling my name!

1 June - Children's Day in Stromovka Park

Petr setting up a tent for one of the organizations that gave prizes to the kids and offers family activities throughout the year. (Photographed by Magdalena.)
A self portrait also taken by Magdalena.
Magdalena's documentation of Mirka recording the event.
A picture I took of Magdalena having fun after she helped set up the chalk drawing area. She carried the buckets of chalk and placed them throughout the grid for kids to use when drawing.
Magda and the goat. She kept yelling at her, "Hey, goat! Look at me." When the goat wouldn't look, I told her that the goat didn't know it's a goat that she had to call it in Czech, "koza." So she screamed, "Koza!" and it looked, making her very happy! Magdalena loved the goat so much she even shared her snack with it - piskoty (similar to Nilla Wafers, minus the 'nilla.)

05 June 2009

New Hat

Every good Czech knows that wind is dangerous for the youthful ears and thus every person under age must be be-hatted. If not, it's much to the demise of the parents. Babicky (grandmothers) galore come out of the wood-works to scold mothers for not covering the poor child's head and ears. So, needless to say, we bought Magdalena this pretty knit cap at a Vietnamese textile shop 2 days ago. She, being a good Czech, promply put it on and exclaimed how pretty it is and has been inseperable from it since. :-)
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02 June 2009

Magda and the Driver

As we passed the bus driver yesterday, Magdalena waved and told him, "Thank you for driving us!" He waved back, although, I doubt he understood her. ;-)