Magdalena's Family Blog

27 November 2009


Magdalena has been swallowing her toothpaste recently. So much that I told her that if she didn't stop it, I would buy her yucky toothpaste next time so she wouldn't want to eat it. A few days later, as we were walking to the metro, she stopped dead in her tracks and wailed, "Oh no! Mommy, you forgot to buy me yucky toothpaste!" And then night before last as Petr helped her brush her teeth, she told him, "Next time Mommy is going to buy me yucky toothpaste." I hate to disappoint her, but at the same time don't really want to make her suffer...maybe some neutral paste that's not fruity??

26 November 2009

Vojta's cuteness from today

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Playing at Vysehrad

Magdalena's new catch word is "awesome!" We're not sure where she picked it up, but it's extremely cute when she uses it! Today, in effort to get out some pent up energy and to treat her for being a good girl the past couple of days, I took her to Vysehrad where there is a super awesome playground. This first photo is of Magdalena on the "Mommy horse" with Vojta (in the stroller) and the Roman Rotunda in the background.
Magdalena on the "Daddy horse."

Riding the zip line and sharing it with a little boy. He didn't know how to ride it, so Magdalena showed him how to do it. She was a patient teacher and took turns very nicely. I was so proud of my girl!

Vojta is 6 weeks old!

Our little guy is growing! He still sleeps a whole lot, but when he's awake he takes in the world. A few days ago Vojta began giving us real smiles! This picture got the tail end of one.

Christmas Market on Namesti Miru

The square around the corner from our apartment is bedecked with Christmas festivity! There is a huge Christmas tree decorated in purple and silver balls (pictured with the church of St. Ludmila in the background) and many booths set up selling Christmas decorations, gifts, crafts, and spiced food!
Magdalena snapped this shot of the booths. They're so quaint and just right for getting one in the mood for the holidays!
Magdalena with Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus at the base of the Christmas tree. She has to "visit" them every time we go to the square now. :-)

Monday's excursion

Monday morning we met our Romanian friends at the shopping center up the street from our apartment. It's got a small (but free!) play area for kids with a decent variety of toys. Magdalena is in her "window" of learning letters and numbers. So, the foam puzzle-mat with letter pieces kept her content most of our stay. As you can see in the picture, even her snack couldn't tear her away from her "work."
Vojta found his own entertainment in the simplest thing there - a cardboard game board with multi-colored arches. He stared, and smiled, at this for about half an hour. He's definitely becoming more alert and aware of his surroundings. We are all enjoying his company and watching him develop!

21 November 2009

Sucking his thumb

And holding onto his hair. Seems my children have a knack for holding onto their hair when they are sleepy. Vojta was already doing this when we were in the hospital. At least I have a very obvious, visual clue when they are tired! :-)
Magdalena is so happy that she can finally hug, kiss, and love on her brother since she's been sick for a week and we'd banned her kisses until she had "no more germs."

Vaclavak and Staromak according to Magda

The Tram Cafe - Madgalena informed me, "We aren't going to buy any food and eat here today." Guess she remembered from last time that it's too expensive. A coffee, plain, is 80kc (normally it costs about 30 or 40kc)!
Carrying on the feet tradition! Can't have a true adventure without photographing the feet of those along for the fun!
A picture of the "angels and the house" - I'm not sure if she meant the block under King Wensceslas or the National Museum in the background...
Magdalena standing under the "Jesus coo-coo clock." It was definitely the highlight of our trip.
Magdalena and her brother at the base of the Jan Hus statue (he's not visible though). :-)

20 November 2009

Magda's humor

Two nights ago at dinner, Magdalena was playing with her calculator. She punched in a digit then showed it to me, asking, "What number is it?" I answered that it was an "8." Her response was, "Yep. It's the eating number." Quite clever that she's picked up that the number and the past tense for "eat" sounds the same!

14 November 2009

Sweet sleep

This peaceful slumber happened in his bouncy seat...
while his sister played in the tub, just a rug's distance away...
in front of the running washing machine! He slept the whole time it ran and only awoke after it had been turned off a couple of minutes. :-D

1 Month Old

Vojtech turned 1 month old today! Hard to believe that at this time of day on this day one month ago he was 25 minutes old. :-) Now, he looks at us in the eyes and follows his sister's movements, responds to our voices, and definitely enjoys hearing the washing machine (so did Magdalena when she was a tiny thing).
Just look at his chubby cheeks! He's growing - he's already gained 1.1kilos, and is 6cm longer than at birth.
Ah, this is the life. Taking it easy in the Boppy. :-) Happy first month birthday, dear Boy! We all love you.

12 November 2009

Our little sleeping angel

10 November 2009

Unchronological pictures - scroll down to the bottom to see them in order

Last night, Petr held Vojtech until he fell asleep. My back has been achy recently - it's been too long since I carried a little one around - so he was giving me some much needed relief (plus immensely enjoying his time with his tiny son).
Magdalena talking to her Daddy on our way home from church last week. He was feeling under the weather, so stayed home for some rest. Magdalena called him to let him know we were on our way home and should order the Chinese food! ;-) (What did she eat? "Chicken and fries" as usual!)
Magdalena's bosom friend has moved to the USA since her parents have been called to be missionaries in Indiana. Gracie and Magdalena are both big on hugs and had to give each other plenty on our last meeting with the family the day before they flew out of Prague.
The whole crew - Sramkovi and Hornback families. We met at a creperia in a local mall to enjoy coffee together and squeeze in as much together time as possible before they moved. My mom was there too and took this great picture (the only one where all the kids were cooperating with us!).
Vojtech's first day at church was also another new baby's first day too. Robbie is 2 1/2 weeks older than Vojtech, but weighed a whole kilo (apx. 2.2lbs) more at birth so he looks much older! I've been blessed recently to become friends with Hulda, Robbie's mommy, via Facebook. Their family doesn't live in Prague, so they only come to church in Prague every now and then. FB has been a nice way to get to know Hulda in place of seeing her on a regular basis. :-)