Magdalena's Family Blog

30 August 2010

Vojta's first Pasta meal

Love those little sucking noises! Magdalena said, "how cute!" when she watched this video. :-D

Playtime with Daddy

Vojta on the high ropes like his sister does - so proud of himself!
Magda the monkey swinging over to see the "boys."
Whee! More rope antics. :-)

Playground fun

We had fine weather today! No rain this morning (it's been rainy the past several days), only a few clouds across the blue, blue sky, and delightful sunshine. So, we put on our sweaters and headed to the park a few minutes from our place.Magdalena found a little boy to play with. They slid, climbed, and ran together - instant friends. :-)
Vojta wasn't as enthusiastic about the outdoor playtime as his sister was...because he'd refused to nap this morning and was a bit "blue." ;-)

He did cheer up a bit after sliding a few times with Big Sister!

Magdalena had to walk home the adventurous way atop the little fenced wall. She said, "I can do this because I'm big. Brother can't cuz he's still small. Right, Mommy?"