Magdalena's Family Blog

31 October 2007

Nas domov v USA - mensi prezentace

Tady muzete videt 1.podlazi domu, kde bydlime. Zbytek bude v druhe casti.

Takze tady je druhe podlazi naseho domu (krome loznice rodicu). Jeste tento dum ma podzemni patro - do budoucna by melo byt pro nas, respektive pro rodice z Tennesse (sousedni stat, kde bydli rodice mamky). Je zatim nezarizene a nedokoncene, takze to nema vyznam ukazovat - budou tam 2 loznice, koupelna, kuchyn s jidelnou a vetsi spolecna mistnost (obyvak).

Pokud nekdo nevidel fotky z vnejsku domu tak tady je odkaz:

Foto 1

Foto 2

Jinak si myslim, ze jsme se zabydleli celkem rychle a postupne si zvykame na nove veci, okoli, pratele, sbor, apod. Doufam, ze ja najdu dobrou praci - sice ted mi to vyhovuje nic nedelat a uzivat si zivota, ale to nejde delat do nekonecna takze nebojte se ja makat budu :-)

PS: Budu se snazit obcas neco dat na internet, abyste meli predstavu co se tady s nama deje, novinky apod., pokud to pro Vas bude nedostacujici tak piste, emailujte - radi o Vas uslysime taky.


18 October 2007

Walks with Babi

Magdalena and Adelka often go on walks with Babi - just about everyday that we've been here! One day, Babi made a make-shift double carriage for the girls. They were so happy squished together bouncing down the road. Dominika, the next door neighbor, joined in the fun on her bicycle. She's 4 and comes over often to play with Adelka and "Teta" as she calls Babi.

17 October 2007


So, for over 2 years now Petr has been saying with a scoff, "Mountains! What mountains?" whenever I talk about the mountains in Georgia. I've always been a bit miffed about his disdain, but didn't say anything since he is the European and Europe is, after all, the land of well known mountain peaks.

Well, today I decided I'd had enough of his mountain snobbery and did a bit of research. From my dear friend, Mr. Google, I learned that Georgia's highest mountain is Brasstown Bald and reaches 4784 feet above sea level. And Petr's section of Moravia's highest peak is Radhost and boasts 3704 feet - yes, that is right, dear Readers - 1080 feet less than in GA!! In all of Moravia the highest mountain Praded is 4895 feet above sea level (a mere 111 feet taller than B.B.).

When I "broke the news" to Petr he didn't believe me. I had to show him the official web pages where I'd found my information and then also pictures of Brasstown Bald to prove it really is a mountain before he begrudgingly conceded to the truth.

09 October 2007


Yesterday Magdalena said two entire, recognizable sentences. First thing in the morning, she kept saying, "mlk...mlk" (she says milk minus the "i"). So, I asked her, "Magdalena, what do you want?" Her response sounded something like this, "ah wan MLK." I want milk!

Then, later in the morning she was sitting in her car seat as we traveled to the foreign police office and she said, "car seat. An ah'm mushy." Mushy is what she says when her diaper is wet. We're looking forward to hearing more sentences from her in the near future!

Precious moments

These last few days have been filled with many precious moments with Magdalena's grandparents and cousin. The most memorable one for me happened Saturday at lunch.

Magdalena, Adelka, and Babi were all sitting in chairs lined up in a row at the table. Babi was spoon feeding lunch to the girls from the same spoon and plate. Each would take a bite then the next would. One bite Magdalena didn't want (the meat - she's recently been on a meat strike) and she declared, "no!" Adelka laughed at this because in Czech it sounded like Magdalena was saying "yeah" while shaking her head no. Babi explained the lingual difference and said that since Magdalena's mommy talks in English so does Magdalena sometimes. And proceeded to tell Adelka some words she's learned in English from Magdalena...Babi's vocabulary includes "cookie," "no," "milk," "apple," and "chips."

I was watching from the kitchen where they really couldn't see me but I had a great view of them. As I saw their interaction, I paused my own meal preparation to absorb the memory and just cried at how precious they were together.
Here are the girls sharing apples and toys. Adelka has taken a real liking to the little dog Magdalena refers to as "puppy" - good thing Magdalena doesn't mind sharing her animals with her cousin!

03 October 2007

Teplice nad Bečvou

The entry point of our spelunking trek was through this building nestled in the autumnal trees. Photography wasn't allowed inside the caves (I doubt they'd have turned out anyway in the dim light) so we only have outdoor pictures of this trip.
Magdalena fell down the steps in the morning (lots of crying and no signs of concussion - I looked up the symptoms online) and stayed in a pitiful, milking-it-for-all-it's-worth mood most of the day...hence, Daddy carried her almost the whole time we walked by the river and through the caves!

Pictures from mushrooming

Magdalena was very fascinated with the mushrooms, as you can see. She wanted to hold each new one that we found and, as we placed it in the bag, she had to have a replacement mushroom to hold if she couldn't keep the one already in hand.

As we were heading back to the car, I found the nicest mushroom thus far. It didn't have any bad spots on it and very few splits on it's "hat." It was the nicest one...

Until Petr found this HUGE mushroom without any mar or defect! It was the last find of the day and, appropriately so, Petr was quite proud of his discovery.

01 October 2007


As of yesterday morning, we are officially moved out of our apartment! Now we're staying with our Moravian family for nearly 3 weeks. Today began our adventures with nature, family, and life without jobs. We went mushrooming!! I've never "hunted" for mushrooms before so Magdalena and I both had our first experience this afternoon. It was lots of fun and we were quite successful. When Petr and Deda described one mushroom as "pekny" Magdalena picked up the word and referred to every mushroom as "nice"!

I'm pretty sure the card reader for transferring pictures onto our computer is already packed away and in storage at the Syvertsens' house. If so, we'll be only writing on here in the upcoming posts. Sorry, folks! I'll post pics as soon as I'm able.