Magdalena's Family Blog

27 February 2008

Snow! / Snih!

We've had some strange weather around these southern parts recently. Yep, we've gotten snow - again!! Cleopatra's morning walk is one of Magdalena's favorite activities, so today we "girls" had extra fun in the snow.
V techto par dni jsme meli zvlastni a ruzne pocasi. Ano, meli jsme snih - znovu!! Magdalenka a Kleopatra (nas pes) byli venku jako pravidelne kazde rano a opravdu si to uzili. Meli spolu spousty legrace!

All bundled up, ready to play.

Obleceni a pripraveni jit si hrat.

Snow crunching underfoot is such a cheerful sound!

Snih, ktery krupal pod nohama byl opravdu radostny zvuk!

Run like the wind before the snow melts away in the sunshine!

Utikat jako vitr jeste pred tim nez snih roztaje az vyleze slunicko!

And lastly, here's a clip of Magdalena and Cleo's snow time. :) It was very short lived, but fun while it lasted.

A naposled tady je ukazka jak si Magdalenka a Klio hraji na snehu :) Bylo to velmi kratke, ale byla to legrace alespon na chvili.

22 February 2008

Magdalena is 2! / Magdalenka ma 2 roky!

Good morning, birthday girl! You're two years old now! Let's see what you got to celebrate your special day...
Dobre rano, vesele narozeniny Magdalenko! Mas 2roky a mame co oslavovat v tento specialni den ....
A book called "Love Bugs" about counting...
Knizka s nazvem "Mame radi brouky" o pocitani

A movie called "Charlotte's Web," that feel-good classic Mommy loved as a little girl (truth be told, still does)...

Klasicka pohadka "Sarlotina pavucina", kterou mela Rebekah moc rada jako mala holcicka (pravda je takova, ze porad se rada na nej podiva ....

And an Elmo themed birthday party!

A narozeninova oslava na tema Elmo!

Liz and Amelia (Mommy and Liz were girlhood friends and recently reconnected through Myspace!).

Liz a Amelia (Rebekah a Liz byly kamaradky z detsvi a ted obnovili spojeni pres Myspace - Internet!)

Courtney and Alle too. Alle is cousin Samuel's cousin...does that make Magdalena and Alle cousin-in-laws?

Courtney a Ally taky. Ally je Samuelova sestrenice... nevim jestli to udela Magdalenku a Ally sestrenky (ex)?

Of course, we can't party without Aunt Jessica and cousin Samuel!

A samozrejme nesmi chybet Samuel s tetou Jessicou na nasi party!

Magdalena's first friend from the church nursury and his mom - Ty and Shanice.

Magdalencin prvni kamarad z nedelni besidky a jeho maminka - Ty a Shanice.

After all of the present opening, Magdalena had a sweet moment with Daddy playing with a new toy - Mr. Potato Head - from Gigi and Poppy.

Tohle je po otevreni vsech darku, Magdalenka si hraje s tatkou s novou hrackou - " Pan Brambora (znama z filmu Pribeh hracek) - dostala od Gigi a Poppyho.

Saying "good-bye" to Amelia...

Tak "Ahoj" Amelie ....

And polishing off a fun day by eating dinner with Ty and Samuel.
A nakonec zabavneho dne - "spolecna" vecere s Tyem a Samuelem.