Magdalena's Family Blog

31 March 2009

Baby #2 on the way!

So, for over a year now we've been praying and trying for another baby. The last month before starting fertility treatment, we found out I'm pregnant! Praise God. He is so good in his perfect timing. The wee one is due 23 October, 2009.
Magdalena is very excited to be a big sister. When we ask her who is in the sonogram picture she quickly replies, "That's my baby. I want a sister baby." Hmm, don't know if she'll get a sister, but it's so sweet to hear her voice her opinion. When we look at pictures of babies in utero in our books she makes comments on every one. For example, on the picture of an egg being released she said, "It's a sunshine!" (I must admit that the photo did look like a solar flare.) And when we saw the 5 week old fetus she said, "It's my sister - she's swimming!"
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10 March 2009

Valentine's Day (posted very late!)

We had a very happy Valentine's this year celebrating with our very good friend the Sillers! We all enjoyed an evening out sans kids (thanks so much to you, grandparents!!) at the Olive Garden. Good friends, good eats, equals the best double date ever!