Since we've been in the Czech Republic now for nearly 2 weeks, I figured I should give an update on what we've done before continuing about our road trip.
The first week we after we landed was spent in Moravia with perfect weather. We took strolls to the local potraviny (grocer's) on a wooded path, went to the city for a little shopping trip, visited friends at their newly built house!, and visited other friends on the dairy farm where Petr lived the first 7 years of his life. Plus, of course, we spent many an hour talking and hanging out with Petr's immediate family. Even though adjusting to Czech time was difficult (can anyone say coloring, snack time, and movie in bed at 3 in the morning?), Moravia was the perfect place to reset our internal clocks and become refreshed after the crazies of moving internationally.
On returning to Prague, we were met at "home" by our friends Joanna, Lukas, and their daughter Natalie (who is the same age as Magdalena). They have graciously let us stay with them until we find an apartment of our own. Yesterday, we looked at a place that seems to be "the one." We'll find out from our realtor friend later today if the owners agree to our rent offer!