Magdalena and the spoon
Hello all you dear mommies in our lives. We hope you had a wonderful day celebrating your irreplacable worth!
Písek is a southern Bohemian town that boasts the Czech Republic's oldest stone bridge and is the hometown of Petr's colleague Jirka. He and his daughter were staying in their cottage over the weekend and for the holiday and Jirka invited us to join them. So we traveled there yesterday for the day and saw some the lovely sites around the town.
On Sunday afternoon we decided to go on a little family walk. After getting Magdalena dressed, I told her to "go tell Daddy to put your red tennis shoes on you." She walked over to him in our entryway and said a couple of sentences to him in baby-ese. When he didn't respond appropriately with the shoes, she bent down next to the shoe rack and looked at her shoes on the bottom shelf...then pulled out her red tennis shoes and dropped them at Petr's feet!
Since yesterday was the Czech labor day, we took a trip to Karlovy Vary and Aunt Sunny accompanied us. Of all the beautiful sites we saw, Magdalena's favorite was the river. Every few steps she wanted to go back to the river side and peer through the fence to see it (and the fishies) below.
In this little video, Aunt Sunny is helping Magdalena go up the step and look down at the river.