Magdalena's Family Blog

27 January 2010


This morning, the meteorologist said that Prague's weather was "bitter cold" and it truly was! When I checked the temp before leaving to take Magdalena to preschool, it was -18C (0F). We bundled up in many, many layers to keep warm - Magdalena had on tights, socks, leggings, corduroys, undershirt, long sleeved shirt, sweat-jacket, coat, scarf, gloves, hat, and boots (I was similarly clad). She still said she was cold and requested I put her scarf around her face! Vojta was layered up but instead of the many clothing layers he had many blankets! The little guy was warm all over when I took him out of his stroller, except those chubby cheeks were pink and cold! Even though it took about 20 minutes to put on our 47 layers, we did look really cute all bundled up and they kept us warm. :-)

20 January 2010

First Laugh!!

For several weeks we've been a bit paranoid that we are not funny people or that Vojta wasn't a happy boy. He's content for sure, but since he's not laughed before today...well, it made us wonder if we weren't "telling the right joke" as Pastor Jerry suggested. Today, grouchy and sleepy baby that he was, he still got super jolly the instant his little body hit the water for bath time this afternoon! I think Magdalena will no longer be the only water monster in the family!

15 January 2010

Entertainment initiation

Watching a DVD with big sister. Yep, she's already teaching him the ways of modern entertainment. :-D He'll sit and watch whatever with us until he's ready to eat or sleep!

Vojtech is 3 months old!

Our happy little guy turned one quarter of a year old yesterday. :-) He is a very content fellow, frequently smiling, and ever watchful of what is going on around him. He holds his head up steadily for any amount of time, sits on everyone's lap like nobody's business, lifts up his chest and head to get a better view when he's on his tummy, has rolled over 2 times, and vocalizes when he's happy or fussy to let us all know what is on his mind.
He is Mommy's darling and never fusses at being kissed, hugged, squeezed, or loved on.
An up-close shot that Magdalena took to commemorate his milestone "birthday."Comparing the sizes of our two "babies" feet. As soon as I begin to think, "Wow! Vojta is getting so big!" I look at Magdalena and think, "No, he's still a tiny thing." :-)

Vojta's tummy time

The little man is getting stronger, using his muscles to lift his upper body and turn his head to see us, to watch his sister playing, and to scoot around in his crib (he likes to sleep with the top of his head against the bumper pad like Magdalena did). This is the first time he's played with the elephant toy. :-)

11 January 2010

Visit in Zelenec

Vojta and I on the train to Zelenec to visit our friends. This was the first time that Vojta didn't fuss in the sling while I was sitting. Normally, as soon as I sit down he wakes up or fusses. Today, he rested and slept all the way there and back. Magdalena took this picture. :-)
Magdalena being very Czech in her yellow scarf on the train.
The snowy sidewalk on the walk between the train station and our friends' house.
Vojta contentedly reclining on the Lillards' couch. He just grinned away at everyone for several minutes after we arrived until time to eat.
The girls playing with lots of fun toys in the living room as we mommies talked and drank marvelous Tchibo coffee with vanilla soy milk. :-)

10 January 2010

Vojta's vocalizations

Vojta has been giving us his opinion recently. Mostly, he's a happy fellow gurgling about the bunny on his bouncy seat or the fairy print on his sister's bedspread. This was the best I could record because, usually, as soon as I pull out the camera he freezes and looks puzzled! :-D

09 January 2010

Story hour

This morning, Magdalena and I had some girl time. Just the two of us went to the Prague Christian Library for the story hour. Today's theme, appropriately, was SNOW! The kids all made snowflakes after the reading time. Here Magdalena is getting her snowflake besparkled by Ms. Laurie. :-)
The blue snowflake...
and the blue one with it's silver friends.
Some snow covered cars on our walk home.
Magdalena getting a scoop of snow from her window sill. She affirmed that "I like the cold" when we had to open the window to touch the snow. But a few moments later, she said, "I very am cold, Mommy" then asked to get down and close the window. It's about 20F here...

08 January 2010

Our "big" kids

Magdalena all grown up in Mommy's robe and decorating her King from Tri Kralove (Three Kings' day).
Vojta in his little old man sweater from Aunt Liz and Uncle Jon. :-)