This morning, the meteorologist said that Prague's weather was "bitter cold" and it truly was! When I checked the temp before leaving to take Magdalena to preschool, it was -18C (0F). We bundled up in many, many layers to keep warm - Magdalena had on tights, socks, leggings, corduroys, undershirt, long sleeved shirt, sweat-jacket, coat, scarf, gloves, hat, and boots (I was similarly clad). She still said she was cold and requested I put her scarf around her face! Vojta was layered up but instead of the many clothing layers he had many blankets! The little guy was warm all over when I took him out of his stroller, except those chubby cheeks were pink and cold! Even though it took about 20 minutes to put on our 47 layers, we did look really cute all bundled up and they kept us warm. :-)