Congratulations, Jay and Karolina!
Two weeks ago on Saturday Petr gave me the day off - the entire day! After we all awoke, I fed Magdalena breakfast and got dressed and left our apartment around 8am. Relaxation and quietude were mine all day. Here, dear Reader, you will learn the happenings of my day.
For the remainder of my free day I walked around the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul, through the adjoining cemetary, and to Cream and Dream for ice cream with Sunny and Stacy. Stacy and I hadn't ever met before but it was just as much fun spending time with her as it would have been with another friend of old - she's super nice, a Christian, an American, and married to a Slovak!
When I arrived home giggles were coming from the bathroom. Poking my head through the door, I saw Magdalena with her little bath toy buckets - one on each hand and another balancing on her left foot as she held it above the water! She and Daddy had had a fun-filled day and had even managed a grocery store trip, too! I'm thinking this "day off" practice needs to be repeated - and I don't mean after another 16 months! :)
¹If you're living in Prague, read it now! If you've been to Prague or plan on coming sometime soon - read it now! Even if you will never touch European soil, I recommend this book. It has humorous antics, reveals the red-tape/paper-work craze of Communism, and enlightens the reader on how socialism effected and continues to affect Czech life. Thanks, Momma, for buying it for me!As I was reading online just now, I noticed that Magdalena had gotten extremely quiet in her highchair. Turning around in my seat I saw that she'd carefully inserted no fewer than 5 peas into the outer sheath of her medicine syringe. How's that for ingenuity?!
Our dear friends, and fellow Project Antiochers, the Verbrugges are moving back to the USA on 2 July. So, today a bunch of us gathered at their place (minus 70% of their belongings) for a farewell party. Since none of us could bear to say "good-bye" we parted way with "See you tomorrow!" For, indeed we will be seeing them at church in the morning.
Magdalena has improved her self-feeding skills greatly! Petr and I were both suprised tonight when Magdalena took the spoon from my hand before I'd even fed her the first bite of dinner and began to self-feed. :) I just had to capture it for you all to watch!
Gigi is flying home to the USA now. :( We are all glum and missing her already. Magdalena keeps looking around our flat and asking, "Gigi? Gigi?" When I tell her that Gigi went bye-bye, she waves her little hand but doesn't have her usual smile to accompany it.