Magdalena and the little cow
The Barum Rally takes place in Zlin - the biggest city near Petr's home village. This year Petr had another fan in the house to enjoy watching the races with! Magdalena sat in his lap for an hour watching the cars zoom around and pointing to each one saying "cah! cah!"
Last night Magdalena had fish sticks for dinner...only she insisted on calling them "chicky." I tried to convince her that it was fish to no avail. She even refused to try to say "fish". So, Petr spoke the truth in Czech into her little life. She listened intently, repeating the words for chicken and fish as her Daddy explained the difference. When he'd finished she emphatically said, "kuž - ne ryba." Which means "chicken - not fish" (although she didn't say chicken properly in Czech, it was close enough to be understood.) Her first "sentence" was an argument - can you believe that?? Only a year and a half but she's already got a mind of her own...
Magdalena found wholesome entertainment on our way home by reading my Avon catalog and munching on the remaining French fries from lunch. ahh, the simple life.
Hanka, Žaneta, and I (L to R) used to all be neighbors and met because Žaneta was our resident Avon lady. Now, she's moved but we three still keep in touch and get together for a bi-monthly "Ladies' Party." Wednesday evening we had pizza at a local restaurant to catch up on what's happening in our lives - Hanka's baby coming in October, Žaneta's new job and boyfriend, and my upcoming move to the good ole United States. It was loads of fun but also bittersweet since we've only got one more girls' night before I move...
I thought that I was addicted to tea, but I've got nothing on this 24lb girl. She loves tea so much that she now asks for it by name daily - yesterday twice, actually. When I was preparing dinner for a friend who just had a baby I, of course, made sweet tea (no decent meal is complete without it). Magdalena assisted me by putting the tea bags in the water but didn't want to let appease her I let her play with the Lipton tags from the bags. This made her content until we went bye-bye to deliver the food.
My dear friend Petra, who visits us every week to practice our language skills, invited us to her family cottage 2 weekends ago. We stayed all day and overnight on Saturday enjoying fresh air, good food, and of course great company.