25 September 2007
Opočno Chateau
During our visit with Pavel and Lenka, we walked through the gardens and courtyard at Opočno Chateau. It was a chilly, but sunny, day - perfect for a stroll! Here's a "panoramic" view of it.
And the final count was...
Yes, folks, a picture just wouldn't have given this hair do justice - a video in full spectrum was definitely in order! When we took all those clips out, there were 35!
For Simona
Going away party
*Thank you all who came, helped out, and blessed us with your time. We'll miss you all very much. Also, thank you, Sunny, for the pictures!
21 September 2007
Sweet strokes
Magdalena has taken to writing and drawing recently. It's so adorable to see her grasping the pencils and pens in her hands (notice I didn't add crayons - because she still eats them!). She even says "pen" now. And stretches her little body up as high as it'll go when she strains to reach the top of the microwave to get pens from their storage cup.
"Uncle" Pavel
19 September 2007
Role play
Perhaps the color got to her (same as her new kitty cat toy in the background of this picture), but she pretended to be someone else today for the fist time. She pretended to be a cat! I was sitting down and she crawled around me saying, "mauw, mauw." When I asked her if she was a kitty she said, "jo" ("yeah" in Czech). Too CUTE!
14 September 2007
12 September 2007
10 September 2007
Moravian Weekend Part III: Returning to Prague
06 September 2007
Moravian Weekend Part II: Bunny
Moravian weekend Part I: Cousins
And you know that Magdalena loves her cousin when she lets Adelka play with her favorite toy "doggie." Let's just hope that Magdalena will be as sweet and gentle with Adelka's little brother or sister (due end of March) who will be a tiny infant when we come to visit next year!
"Teta" Simona
Simona and I started out as conversation partners for her to maintain her superb English skills. The few weeks prior to Magdalena ending eating jarred baby food, I saved all of the jars for Simona's dad for him to use in his workshop. He's a painter and needed the small jars for left-over colors. To show his gratitude, he sent this kitty in Magdalena's hands as a thank you. Life can't be any better than being rewarded for eating!!
04 September 2007
Natalie is Magdalena's favorite friend - the first person other than family to be called by name and to be asked for constantly (every day!). And I must add that I enjoy Natalie's mommy's company too! You've been a God-sent friend, Joanna!
03 September 2007
Dolled up